Departmental bodies, companies and organisations involved in reducing noise impact
There are numerous bodies, organisations and companies that play a part in working with the airport to mitigate and reduce the impacts of aircraft-related noise.
Here is a list of the key bodies along with a description of their role in helping manage aircraft noise and, where applicable, a link to their website:
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is a public corporation established by Parliament in 1972 as an independent specialist aviation regulator and provider of air traffic services in the UK. One of it's four environmental goals is to contribute to a cleaner and quieter aviation industry.
The DfT is a Government body that has put in place a long-term framework aimed at balancing the delivery of social and economic benefits from aviation, with the need to reduce and mitigate the environmental impacts of air transport and airport development.
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is a government department in the UK that make policy and legislation. DEFRA works with others to deliver on its policies, including environmental protection and pollution control - which covers noise pollution.
NATS provides air traffic navigation services to aircraft flying through UK controlled airspace and at several UK and international airports - including London Stansted. The overarching guiding principle of air traffic control is that safety is paramount.
The airspace above our homes and places of work contains a network of corridors or airways. They mainly link busy areas of airspace known as terminal control areas, which are normally above major airports like London Stansted. All of these airways are designated as "controlled airspace", where aircraft fly under the supervision of air traffic controllers at all times.
Airlines and their flight crew have a duty to operate their aircraft in order to comply with the various rules and regulations stipulated for flying in UK controlled airspace. The commander of an aircraft has the primary responsibility for the safety of his crew and passengers at all times.
ANMAC was set up by the Department for Transport (DfT) to advise them on policy relating to aircraft noise at Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted - these airports being 'designated' for the purposes of s.78 of the Civil Aviation Act 1982.
ANMAC's membership includes representatives from London Stansted plus representatives from NATS, the Environmental Research and Consultancy Department (ERCD) of the CAA, the Scheduling Committees and a representative of the Consultative Committee at each of the three airports each accompanied by a technical adviser.
ANMAC meetings are held in private. This helps in the development of future policy and avoids the possibility of unnecessary anxiety among the communities affected by aircraft noise (or to raise false hopes).
As the airport's local planning authority, UDC ensure that the airport is compliant with all Section 106 planning obligations, some of which relate to aircraft operations. UDC also investigate aviation fuel odour complaints received from the general public; they also are invited to formally and independently audit the noise complaints procedures annually.
STACC fulfils our obligations under section 35 of the Civil Aviation Act 1982 (as amended by the Airports Act 1986) to have an independent consultative committee whose terms of reference are:
To consider, scrutinise and advise on matters primarily concerning the management and administration of the Airport
To consider the impact of the Airport on the local community, the economy, and the environment
To consider matters affecting the experience of Airport users
To consider the corporate affairs of the Airport.
This is a working group which brings together the Department for Transport (DfT), NATS, local authorities, other interest groups and London Stansted's Flight Evaluation Unit (FEU) to discuss a wide range of noise and track keeping issues. NTKWG also monitors track keeping performance, noise and height infringements and noise complaint data. Below you will find our quarterly reports that are presented to members of NTKWG. Alternatively, a more in-depth explanation of our operations and reporting figures can be found in our new FEU Quarterly Reports, here.
A sub-group of STACC, the aims of the groups are to:
consider the impact of the Airport on the local community, the economy, and the environment and, where appropriate, to make recommendations to the Committee
consider matters affecting flight tracks, noise, air quality, the conservation and discharge of water, waste, surface transport, biodiversity, archaeology and climate change, and, where appropriate, to make recommendations to the Committee
share ideas and discuss best practices from other airports and organisations
monitor appropriate performance strands of corporate responsibility at the Airport, including complaints
liaise with the Noise and Track Keeping Working Group (NTKWG)
liaise with the Stansted Area Transport Forum
We hope that our dedicated section of the website for noise provides answers to all the possible questions you may have. However, if you can't find what you're looking for, please feel free to contact us.
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