London Stansted Airport Sustainable Development Plan

Setting out the context for the growth and sustainable development of London Stansted Airport

Sustainable development plan

Sustainable Development Plan

The Draft Sustainable Development Plan (SDP) sets out what our aspirations are for the future of London Stansted Airport. There are lots of different people who have an interest in the airport and their views and comments are an important part of our planning process.

We are issuing our Draft SDP now and in 2025 will seek your views to help shape the plan.

We recognise the SDP is quite long, therefore, we are issuing a summary document. By issuing in it December, we are giving people the time to read and digest it and consider their questions before we formally open a consultation exercise in January.

Our formal consultation will open on 6th January and will close on 28th February. A feedback form to help you give your feedback will be published here before the consultation starts.


Next Steps

This document is our draft plan, and we want to understand what our stakeholders think.

We will be carrying out a comprehensive programme of direct engagement with our local community and other stakeholders to explain our plans and gather people’s views in early 2025. At that point, we will be reaching out directly to community groups and other stakeholders to invite you to give us your views.

If you would like to contact us directly in the meantime, then you can either:

  • Email us at: Please mark your correspondence as 'Sustainable Development Plan Consultation' or

  • Write to: Sustainable Development Plan Consultation, Third Floor, Enterprise House. Stansted Airport. Essex. CM24 1QW

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