London Stansted Airport Sustainable Development Plan

Setting out the context for the growth and sustainable development of London Stansted Airport

Sustainable development plan

Sustainable Development Plan

Here you will find the Draft Sustainable Development Plan (SDP), which sets out our aspirations for the future of London Stansted Airport. The consultation closed on 10th March 2025 and we're in the process of collating the feedback we've received. There are lots of different people who have an interest in the airport, and their views and comments are an important part of our planning process.


Next Steps

This document is our draft plan, and we want to understand what our stakeholders think.

We carried out a comprehensive programme of direct engagement with our local community and other stakeholders to explain our plans and gather people’s views in early 2025.

If you would like to contact us directly, then you can either:

  • Email us at: Please mark your correspondence as 'Sustainable Development Plan Consultation' or

  • Write to: Sustainable Development Plan Consultation, Third Floor, Enterprise House. Stansted Airport. Essex. CM24 1QW


You can read the full technical details in the Sustainable Development Plan, or if you want an overview, you can watch the information video that explains each section of the plan or read the summary document. Both are linked on these web pages.

The Draft Sustainable Development Plan (SDP) sets out what our aspirations are for the future of London Stansted Airport. In this plan we will consider how passengers travel to and from the airport, the extent of the airport’s economic impact and how we support our local community.

It is important for us to look at how any development of London Stansted Airport can be sustainable long term, and how this will impact our local area.

As well as the public we are consulting with stakeholders including Airport Consultative Committees, Airlines, Airport Operators, Local Authorities and other key local representatives.

The consultation closed on 10th March 2025 and our feedback process is now closed. If you would like to submit any further comments, please do using the methods below and we will try to take into account where we are able to.

You can provide your feedback in the following ways:

  • Email us at: Please mark your correspondence as 'Sustainable Development Plan Consultation' or

  • Write to: Sustainable Development Plan Consultation, Third Floor, Enterprise House. Stansted Airport. Essex. CM24 1QW

All feedback will be collated and reviewed by Shared Voice to identify key themes. Those key themes will then be reviewed to shape the final plan.

The airport regularly reviews progress against each of the actions. Regular reviews are also completed with the Airport’s Consultative Committee.

No, The SDP sets out our plans, but this could be impacted by unforeseen factors.

The SDP sets out our plans, but this could be impacted by unforeseen factors.

The development of the airport is a complex topic and we want to be sure that we have covered all factors. We have provided a summary document and video to help condense this information.

Public consultation ended on 10th March 2025. We are in the process of reviewing all feedback to help shape the final SDP.

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